No Win No Fee Dog Bite Claims

No Win No Fee Dog Bite Claims. If you have sustained an injury as a result of a dog bite we can help you recover compensation on a No Win No Fee basis.

A No Win No Fee agreement is otherwise known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) and is one of the most common methods of pursuing a civil claim. It is often linked to a suitable insurance policy that protects you if your claim is unsuccessful.

A CFA provides a method of funding for your personal injury claim whereby you only ever pay anything if you win your claim. If your claim is unsuccessful then you do not have to pay anything providing that you have complied with your responsibilities under the CFA. As long as you provide us with instructions, cooperate with us, attend any medical or expert examination, or court hearing and do not deliberately mislead us or exaggerate any part of your claim then you will not have to pay anything if you lose your claim.

If your claim is successful then your opponent will pay the majority of your legal costs. Any legal costs which are not recovered from your opponent will be deducted from your compensation. This will include the cost of your “no win no fee” insurance policy, our success fee for winning your case, and any costs which cannot be recovered from your opponent.

If you have any questions regarding bringing your dog bite claim and how to pursue this on a No Win No Fee agreement, please call us to discuss further.

Start your claim today

For a review and assessment of your dog bite claim get in touch with us today:

  • Call: 0113 224 7851 (0779 381 2361 eve and w/ends)
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Fill in the contact form on this page