What to do if Bitten by a Dog

If you are bitten by a dog, there are a number of steps that you may want to consider taking to help maximise your chances of success should you later wish to bring a personal injury claim.

Advise the Owner

It is crucial with any claim that you identify the owner of the animal. If the owner cannot be traced, then the prospects of successfully pursuing a claim fall dramatically.

If you were bitten whilst delivering a leaflet or parcel/food, take a photograph of the property.  It will serve not only as a reminder of the address but also will serve as evidence that you attended at that property on that date. If the owner of the premises is on-site, ensure that they acknowledge that the incident has occurred. If you do not notify the owner at the time, then they could deny that the incident occurred on their premises or at all.

Get medical treatment

Obtain medical treatment as soon as possible. Any attack which results in a breaking of the skin requires medical attention. You may well require a tetanus injection and/or a course of antibiotics. When you attend for treatment, advise those treating you of the circumstances surrounding the attack. This can be used as evidence in support of the incident if the owners later deny that the incident occurred.

We would also recommend that you take some photographs of the injury. Such images will be useful in making an initial assessment and valuation of your claim and can be used at a later date as evidence of the extent of the attack.

Report the incident

If the accident occurred while you were working, you should advise your employers of the situation and complete an incident report form.

If you feel it appropriate, then you should consider reporting the matter to the Police. This is not compulsory, and you would not be prevented from bringing your civil claim if you do not report the matter to the police.

Get expert legal advice on what to do if bitten by a dog

If you are thinking of bringing a personal injury claim, then you should speak to solicitors who have the knowledge and experience and expertise to ensure that you receive the compensation that you deserve.

Cohen Cramer solicitors have a specialist department that deals with dog bite claims.

For your initial review and assessment get in touch with us today.


  • Mike Massen on 0113 224 7804/07793 812 362 (eve and weekends)
  • email:  [email protected]
  • fill in the contact form on this page

Your claim can be dealt with on a no win no fee basis.

what to do if bitten by a dog