Dog Bite Injury Awards

The amount of compensation you will receive for your injuries depends upon the type, extent, and duration of such injuries.

We will obtain a medical report in support of your claim and this will be used to support the type and extent of injury you sustained.

Facial Injury Elbow Injury Wrist Injury Leg Injury Knee Injury Ankle Injury Mental Trauma HAnd Injury Scarring to Arm Scarring to Leg

To assist in the valuation of your claim reference is made to the Judicial College Guidelines; this is a list of many types of injury and the levels of compensation that can be expected. Each injury has the highest and lowest valuation with the actual valuation being made with reference to the degree of injury within that band.

Your compensation is determined by the injuries you sustained, how they have affected you and any long-term implications. The type of accident you have had has no bearing on the valuation.

To see your potential dog bite injury award simply click the injured area.